Sunday, January 13, 2008

the big weigh day....

I weighed yesterday morning. I wasn't expecting much--and that was a good thing. I followed the program faithfully for five days and my loss was 1.8#. I wasn't disappointed though. I had picked up my food last Saturday and didn't start the program until Monday. I won't tell you what I did for my last 2 days of "freedom".
I started JC in August and only stuck with it a few weeks. My heart wasn't in it. It's totally different this time. Mom made chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes last night and I didn't even have a bite! I ate my pizza and salad and was completely content.
The food is probably the easiest part. I have to work at getting my exercise in. Although I can really work up a sweat chasing the 2.5 and 1 yr old around.

I can add potty training has been a total success! It only took about a week to be accident free. And now that's $20 extra a week for JC food.

I'm looking forward to next Saturday. I'm focusing on getting all my water in and getting on the treadmill every other day. I know it's less than 2# but in a weird way I feel thinner. I think the walking really makes a difference pretty fast. My goal is not only a certain number on the scale but to not have my thighs touch:)


If it is to be it is up to me! said...

Hey Kenna!

I think that is great! Especially for just 5 days! I can't say that I would have that type of will power around Mom's cooking all the time. I don't know how you do it but keep up the good work!


J Duarte said...

Hang in there, stick with the program you will see great results!

Good luck on this weeks weigh in

MaryJoNM said...

Congrats Kenna, yes like traci said it was a great loss for 5 days.
Congrats on the potty training too. Girls are easier than boys aren;t they?

If it is to be it is up to me! said...

How's it going Kenna? I hope you post a picture of your new dog soon! Sorry we didn't stop by today. We were all so exhausted that we headed for home instead. Olivia was out before we got to the Rayville station. I bombed today and even some yesterday but I'm trying to even things out by skipping dinner. I just ate some yogurt/fruit/100 cal cookie pack instead of dinner after eating chili and cookies today. Kick me in the butt the next time you see me. I can't gain this week because of pure stupidity!