Hey all. I'm back. I really fell off the wagon and could not get back on! I eat when I'm stressed. School starts in 3 weeks and I'm nervous. It is a 12 month accelerated BSN program and it is a really hard program--hard to get into also. I'm full of excuses. I've been sick a lot lately. Migraines too. My weight has gone up a lot. Drum roll please.........208.8!. But--it is not higher than when I started so that is a positive. I'm drinking water as I type. I don't remember the last glass of water I had. Isn't that awful? I'm an extremist when it comes to dieting so when I'm not perfect I give up. I've got to stop that and realize one hiccup doesn't mean I should throw away all my hard work!
Anyway-I'm back and not quite bigger than ever:) I'm basically starting over.
150# here I come........
Monday, April 21, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
not such a good week......

I was up 1# this week :( But I was really bad Thursday and Friday before I weighed on Saturday. And I continued the weekend not being so good. All of the chocolate is out of the house now--it went into my mouth. But I'm back on the wagon today. I got up and walked this morning but I'm still trying to get all my water in for the day. I got a major haircut today so I should probably see a loss this week. I'm not talking about a trim. I got about 16 inches cut off! We started with 12 inches to donate to locksoflove and just kept cutting. I've got today and the next 4 days to be perfect so I should lose something. Check out my new hair......
Sunday, February 10, 2008
really good week.....
I'm pretty happy with this week's results. I lost 3.8#. But it was a hard road. I've been tempted all week and so hungry. I need to get all my food in! I've been working hard every day--walking, sit-ups, squats. Drinking at least 64oz of water everyday. That may be the hardest part. I know I'm building muscle because my clothes are fitting different. So far I'm down 12.8#. I've got to schedule my manicure. And yes--finally under 200# again. Now my next goal is 7.9# gone to get in the 80's. Skinny by my birthday--I've got 14 weeks. I need to lose 47.8# to be at goal. That's pretty aggressive and I probably won't quite make it but I should be close.........
Saturday, February 2, 2008
1 freakin' pound!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's it! 1 pound! I walked everyday and got all my water every day! I do feel thinner though so I am trying to ignore the scale. We do splurge a little after we weigh. I wasn't too bad at lunch. Small cheeseburger. Not very many fries. But the Maggie Moo's afterwards may have been a mistake:) But I didn't finish it. I threw some away. And let me tell you what it was: better batter with snickers and double twix. Heaven.
It's a good thing I don't have access to a scale all week or I'd be bad alot. I was going to be not so good at dinner but I've changed my mind. I'm getting back on track right now. I'm not even having the homemade chocolate cake or Mom's potato salad that is sitting on the bar right now. Got to be good. Still waiting on my manicure......
It's a good thing I don't have access to a scale all week or I'd be bad alot. I was going to be not so good at dinner but I've changed my mind. I'm getting back on track right now. I'm not even having the homemade chocolate cake or Mom's potato salad that is sitting on the bar right now. Got to be good. Still waiting on my manicure......
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
"after" picture

Ok--don't we all have these pictures that were taken at a time when we thought we were fat and now wish we were that size again........ This is a picture from my honeymoon 6 1/2 yrs ago.
It's my "after" picture but really it is my "before" the before picture. I don't have a true before picture because I don't think I've had my picture taken from the neck down in 2 years.
I had a 1.6# loss this week. So it's 8# for the first 3 weeks. I'm hoping for at least 2# this week so I can get my manicure! That is my 10# reward. I've got all my water in and have walked every day so far. We'll see what happens.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
been a while.......

Ok--it's been a while. I've been busy. My weigh in last week was good--4.6#. I was pleased. I don't know what is going to happen this Saturday. I've been good but for yesterday. Instead of lunch I had 3 big spoons of peanut butter. I let myself get too hungry. I didn't eat dinner that night and I haven't been able to walk this week either. We'll see...
My best friend had her baby on the 17th. I got to be there and it was wonderful--for me at least. On the 18th we got a new dog--unexpected. That's her above. Her name is Lucy. It's close to lucky but still sounds like a girl. She is very lucky. I was on the phone with Lance and he started saying "Oh no, Oh God, Oh no!" She was running across the interstate in rush hour traffic on Friday. And it was in a construction zone so she was stuck between barriers, running in and out of cars. Other people tried to catch her but she just kept running. Lance didn't even get out of the truck. He just stopped and whistled and she came right to him. He put her in the truck and tried to find the owner. He wanted to call animal control and I objected. He brought her home. She was obviously someone's pet. I went on kcpetconnect.com and she was the first lost dog on the list. She had just been adopted and was in the parking lot at Petsmart when she pulled out of her leash and took off. The girl that adopted her was frantic. She called 911 and they put her thru to animal control who said they had a report she was on the interstate. She assumed she was dead. She next learned she had been picked up by a silver truck. She then told herself the dog was in good hands. She was in shock when I called her and told her I had her dog. After a few converstions we decided I would keep Lucy--I named her. She's got a 20 acre playground now. I'm paying her adoption fees that Jennifer paid for her and we're both happy. I think things happen for a reason sometimes and we were supposed to get this dog.
I'm hungry and better fix something now before I fall off the wagon again! I'll let you know how I do on Saturday.
Kenna :)
My best friend had her baby on the 17th. I got to be there and it was wonderful--for me at least. On the 18th we got a new dog--unexpected. That's her above. Her name is Lucy. It's close to lucky but still sounds like a girl. She is very lucky. I was on the phone with Lance and he started saying "Oh no, Oh God, Oh no!" She was running across the interstate in rush hour traffic on Friday. And it was in a construction zone so she was stuck between barriers, running in and out of cars. Other people tried to catch her but she just kept running. Lance didn't even get out of the truck. He just stopped and whistled and she came right to him. He put her in the truck and tried to find the owner. He wanted to call animal control and I objected. He brought her home. She was obviously someone's pet. I went on kcpetconnect.com and she was the first lost dog on the list. She had just been adopted and was in the parking lot at Petsmart when she pulled out of her leash and took off. The girl that adopted her was frantic. She called 911 and they put her thru to animal control who said they had a report she was on the interstate. She assumed she was dead. She next learned she had been picked up by a silver truck. She then told herself the dog was in good hands. She was in shock when I called her and told her I had her dog. After a few converstions we decided I would keep Lucy--I named her. She's got a 20 acre playground now. I'm paying her adoption fees that Jennifer paid for her and we're both happy. I think things happen for a reason sometimes and we were supposed to get this dog.
I'm hungry and better fix something now before I fall off the wagon again! I'll let you know how I do on Saturday.
Kenna :)
Sunday, January 13, 2008
the big weigh day....
I weighed yesterday morning. I wasn't expecting much--and that was a good thing. I followed the program faithfully for five days and my loss was 1.8#. I wasn't disappointed though. I had picked up my food last Saturday and didn't start the program until Monday. I won't tell you what I did for my last 2 days of "freedom".
I started JC in August and only stuck with it a few weeks. My heart wasn't in it. It's totally different this time. Mom made chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes last night and I didn't even have a bite! I ate my pizza and salad and was completely content.
The food is probably the easiest part. I have to work at getting my exercise in. Although I can really work up a sweat chasing the 2.5 and 1 yr old around.
I can add potty training has been a total success! It only took about a week to be accident free. And now that's $20 extra a week for JC food.
I'm looking forward to next Saturday. I'm focusing on getting all my water in and getting on the treadmill every other day. I know it's less than 2# but in a weird way I feel thinner. I think the walking really makes a difference pretty fast. My goal is not only a certain number on the scale but to not have my thighs touch:)
I started JC in August and only stuck with it a few weeks. My heart wasn't in it. It's totally different this time. Mom made chicken and noodles and mashed potatoes last night and I didn't even have a bite! I ate my pizza and salad and was completely content.
The food is probably the easiest part. I have to work at getting my exercise in. Although I can really work up a sweat chasing the 2.5 and 1 yr old around.
I can add potty training has been a total success! It only took about a week to be accident free. And now that's $20 extra a week for JC food.
I'm looking forward to next Saturday. I'm focusing on getting all my water in and getting on the treadmill every other day. I know it's less than 2# but in a weird way I feel thinner. I think the walking really makes a difference pretty fast. My goal is not only a certain number on the scale but to not have my thighs touch:)
Friday, January 11, 2008
day five
Day five and so far so good. I've been really hungry the last 2 days. I've got my walking in the last 2 days so that is probably why. Tonight will be a challenge because I'm cooking a pork loin. I don't want to get too excited for weigh in tomorrow because it's only been 5 days. The scales have been hidden from me so I can't keep weighing every day. I'm not expecting much but I've been really good so we'll see....
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
self control
Yesteday went well. Day 2 and no diet pepsi. Today has gone really well but I didn't get all my food in. I missed 2 fruits and a yogurt. I'm lucky to get lunch in by 1 or 2. Right now Isaac is setting next to me eating cheetos. I never realized how good cheetos really smell until this moment. I'm about to finish the day with my snack and a walk after he goes to bed.
The family had vegetable soup and Mom brought up a pan of cornbread. Not regular cornbread but really sweet cornbread-alot of sugar-because that is what Lance likes. I didn't even taste it! I would normally eat it with a ton of butter on it but tonight I didn't. Now that is self control. The vegetable soup did look good but Mom can hide a stick of butter in a glass of water so I didn't even consider it.
Potty training was perfect today--no accidents at all! This was day 9 and I think he's got it figured out. I didn't have to remind him at all--he would tell me when he had to go.
Anyway, going to bed at a decent time tonight. Also going to have the scales hidden from me so I don't regress when they don't say what I think they should. So far, so good.......
The family had vegetable soup and Mom brought up a pan of cornbread. Not regular cornbread but really sweet cornbread-alot of sugar-because that is what Lance likes. I didn't even taste it! I would normally eat it with a ton of butter on it but tonight I didn't. Now that is self control. The vegetable soup did look good but Mom can hide a stick of butter in a glass of water so I didn't even consider it.
Potty training was perfect today--no accidents at all! This was day 9 and I think he's got it figured out. I didn't have to remind him at all--he would tell me when he had to go.
Anyway, going to bed at a decent time tonight. Also going to have the scales hidden from me so I don't regress when they don't say what I think they should. So far, so good.......
Monday, January 7, 2008
day one
It's coming to an end. I did very well today. I even cooked dinner for the family--pork steak, scalloped potatoes, corn...... I admit to having two tiny bites of steak but quickly regained control. I normally would not have stopped until I ate the entire thing but today I didn't want to undo all my hard work......
It is the evening hours that are hardest for me. Everyone is in bed, all is quiet. I can eat whatever I want. No one begging for a bite. Not tonight. I'm finishing up my water and getting ready for bed. Although I did not get my walk in today I cleaned house like a mad woman all day and really worked up a sweat. I'm actually too tired to walk tonight. I've had quite a cut in calories today compared to what I've been doing to myself and need to get thru the first few days of hunger, headache, overall tiredness before I take off on my treadmill. I almost forgot--I went the entire day without a diet pepsi--which I'm sure is behind my lingering headache. Looking forward to day two....
It is the evening hours that are hardest for me. Everyone is in bed, all is quiet. I can eat whatever I want. No one begging for a bite. Not tonight. I'm finishing up my water and getting ready for bed. Although I did not get my walk in today I cleaned house like a mad woman all day and really worked up a sweat. I'm actually too tired to walk tonight. I've had quite a cut in calories today compared to what I've been doing to myself and need to get thru the first few days of hunger, headache, overall tiredness before I take off on my treadmill. I almost forgot--I went the entire day without a diet pepsi--which I'm sure is behind my lingering headache. Looking forward to day two....
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Here we go.......
I start my "diet" tomorrow. What a four letter word. But I'm actually excited this time. I'm doing Jenny Craig (JC). My goal is a 60lb loss. I start my nursing program in May and want to be near goal by then. That is 5 months which is probably a bit aggressive unless I work really hard. But we'll see. I'm going to take it in 10lb increments.
I have a lot going on right now and not a lot of time to focus on myself. I have a 2.5 yr old and a 1 yr old and--by the way--potty training the oldest. That's a whole other blog in itself. They really take up every minute of my day. I feel like the Suave commercial with the happy, healthy girl that gets pregnant and in each following clip she looks more and more frumpy. That sums it up--but add 60lbs. I'm ready to get back to the old me. I'll keep you posted........
I have a lot going on right now and not a lot of time to focus on myself. I have a 2.5 yr old and a 1 yr old and--by the way--potty training the oldest. That's a whole other blog in itself. They really take up every minute of my day. I feel like the Suave commercial with the happy, healthy girl that gets pregnant and in each following clip she looks more and more frumpy. That sums it up--but add 60lbs. I'm ready to get back to the old me. I'll keep you posted........
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